Wednesday, July 1, 2009

On Personalism

How can we presume a personality if we cannot keep portions of ourselves personal? In order to preserve our personality we must be personable to others, a feat only accomplished through reserving personal details and minutiae for the private audiences of selected confidantes. It is no virtue to be open to all and spew out life's intricacies to every passerby. Keep a part of yourself sacred, let yourself be mysterious to those who are too shallow and disconnected to care. It is easier to mold your character when it is protected from the scorching rays of publicity that cause it to harden and crack.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On Dancing

Dancing is weird. Dancing is like painting sounds with your body, yet we rarely know how to hold the brushes. It has been my experience that what makes an entertaining dance is not the skill of those dancing but their lack of social inhibitions. People enjoy dances because dancing gives people a chance to let go and be a little sillier than they would normally, to meet people that they would otherwise be too shy or reserved to approach. When everyone is well beyond their typical comfort zone, a little social awkwardness in conversation is easily overlooked. One does not need the security of dance lessons to feel comfortable at dances, they just need to remember that everyone feels or has felt the same as they do, yet have learned to let go be free and make a fool of themselves in style. Like one of my many mottoes... you can do anything if you do it with a smile; so you can do the sprinkler all night long if you smile the night away!

All things considered, I only danced one song tonight.

Monday, June 29, 2009


In order to preserve and organize my thoughts, I have resorted to the blog-world. This time however, I will not add a counter at the bottom nor will I care if anyone reads it. If you don't respond, I won't care; if you don't subscribe to the rss, it won't bother me. This is a tool of creation. A way to express that which doesn't yet exist. It is my intention to only post things that I wholly advocate and endorse. I will not put mere musings, but search the depths for clarity and truth. That is the purpose of most intelligent conversation, finding particles, however small, of truth. Usually those particles are portions of the giant Venn-diagram of society, yet sometimes those particles represent something deeper... Let's hope we find some.